
Surrey Women's Golf

Surrey WOMEN'S Golf 

Junior Contacts 

Junior Director of Golf  - Julia Brook

Julia’s working career was varied, from hospitality and sports coaching to admin and business management in the NHS. Throughout her career, a love of sports has been front and centre. Julia’s husband introduced her to golf, and after a slow start she quickly became hooked. It wasn’t long before she became involved with Surrey. Julia took on the role of Junior Training Officer and gained her Level 1 and Level 2 Coaching certificates. She attended numerous coach education days and conferences and became involved, as a volunteer, in coaching junior players. Julia is a member at Walton Heath and Brora Golf Club in the Highlands of Scotland. 

County Secretary :

Ann McMahon

Please contact Ann for information about competitions, news items,amendments to contact information or any Welfare/Safeguarding .


Julia Brook
Pam Mace
Katie Lavender
Ann Gems
Claire London

Junior Team information and Junior grant application can be found in the Teams tab, dropdown Juniors. 

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